Day 5 – My Potato

Very late for my first proper meal today, but it is my own fault. As I was hungry as a werewolf i went for quick and easy food.

Boil the potatoes with skin still on them – choose smallest ones in the bag, because it is harder to peal them than the larger ones.


Take a half of cabbage (did buy it in the local fruit and veg market for £0.30) and slice it up, the thinner the better. Add some salt and little bit of oil.


When potatoes ready, cut them in the half add some salad and enjoy. It is optional to peel potato skin off before serving. If you put tiny cube of butter on top of pieces of potato, it will melt and make the taste even better. (but not in my case)


Total of today’s meal: approx. £0.40

3 thoughts on “Day 5 – My Potato

  1. With all due respect, if you keep this up for the entire month, you’ll feel awful at the end of it. You need protein and fruit/veg in your diet. All you seem to be eating is potatoes or noodles. Lentils are very cheap and a good source of protein. At least take a multivitamin if you’re not going to be eating properly.
    I respect what you’re trying to do (even if it is just to prove your boyfriend wrong!), but do try to make sure you’re taking care of yourself too.

  2. Thank’s for your comment Cara 🙂
    I do understand that my diet does not consist of huge amount of protein, but still things that I have ate so far:
    oat porridge – 1/6 is protein.
    cabbage is a veg full of anti oxidants and vitamin C, K, B6 and Magnesium, Calcium, Iron and even here is a tiny amount of protein.
    onions – fiber, source of vitamin C
    tomatoes – good source of vitamin E, A, C, K, Manganese and Potassium, good source of fiber.
    potato – good source of Vitamin B6, Potassium.
    rice – good source of Manganese.
    bananas – fiber, vitamin C, B6, Potassium and Manganese.
    Sometimes we even do not realise how many usefull vitamins and things are in the food without realising it.

    But I will do take care of myself, and after your comment i even went to the health food shop to buy some soy mince – huge source of protein 🙂

  3. Soy mince is awesome, right?! I’d live on it happily.
    You’re absolutely right about the vitamins etc in the things you’re eating, my sole concern would be that you’re not eating enough of them. I’m mainly thinking of the days when you’ve had like, one tomato with your meal. Although it contains the right things, they’re in very small amounts. But you sound like you know what you’re doing 🙂
    I thought this website might help if you’ve not already seen it: It’s written by Weezl, from the MoneySavingExpert forum and has TONS of really cheap recipes (with all the costings).
    Good luck with the rest of the month.

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