Day 7 & Day 8 – Extremely Busy and No Time

As I have been so busy that i barely have time to sleep, I have merged two days in one.

Yesterday I started with a nice and big bowl of oat porridge and then rushed to the college for practical work (yes, I am still studying). My only meal during the day was a single banana, because I had to get home earlier, I did not have my lunch break. Going without good is bad, but there was no other options.

At home I had my leftovers from previous day – rice with soy mince. Off to the vets to get my cat checked, back home, 2 hour sleep and off to work. When back home 4 hour sleep and here is the Day 8.

Day 8

Day starts again with oat porridge – my favourite choice because of its ability to keep me feel full for a good 3-4 hours. But now I am starting to feel hungry for the first time since I started…

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