Day 7 & Day 8 – Extremely Busy and No Time

As I have been so busy that i barely have time to sleep, I have merged two days in one.

Yesterday I started with a nice and big bowl of oat porridge and then rushed to the college for practical work (yes, I am still studying). My only meal during the day was a single banana, because I had to get home earlier, I did not have my lunch break. Going without good is bad, but there was no other options.

At home I had my leftovers from previous day – rice with soy mince. Off to the vets to get my cat checked, back home, 2 hour sleep and off to work. When back home 4 hour sleep and here is the Day 8.

Day 8

Day starts again with oat porridge – my favourite choice because of its ability to keep me feel full for a good 3-4 hours. But now I am starting to feel hungry for the first time since I started…

Day 6 – Full of Protein Late Meal

As many people have been saying tom me, that my diet is lacking proteins, i bought soy mince yesterday and cooked it with rice.

Recipe is simple:

  • bring water to boil and then add soy mince followed by beef stock cube and a bit of pepper, if you have soy sauce would make it even nicer.  Cook it for a half an hour, then drain and let it cool a bit.
  • cook rice with salt and curry (curry is just for a colour :))
  • chop up an onion and add it to the pre heated pan, cook it until golden brown and the add the mince.SAM_0111
  • few minutes and it is ready 🙂
  • SAM_0114

It tasted lush, could not get enough of it.


Day 6 – Good Breakfast – Good Start

There is only one side effect I have since I have started this challenge, I need less sleep and I feel much more awake than I used to. Now I am perfectly fine after 7 hour sleep and have to mention I woke up by myself, not the alarm.

To start my day nicely I had a oat porridge again, even my boyfriend, that is not big fan of porridge and similar things, is starting to like it 🙂

There is my result again, you can see similar one in the post made earlier this week.


After the nice dose of fiber, protein, vitamin E and B, I did go and search for more food with proteins. In the health food shop I found soy minced meat 500g £1.87, very expensive purchase, but should last for decent amount of time.

Money spent so far: £7.51

I know it is only week now and I have spent so much, but many foods I have bought will last me a while, so there is nothing to worry about 🙂

Day 5 – My Potato

Very late for my first proper meal today, but it is my own fault. As I was hungry as a werewolf i went for quick and easy food.

Boil the potatoes with skin still on them – choose smallest ones in the bag, because it is harder to peal them than the larger ones.


Take a half of cabbage (did buy it in the local fruit and veg market for £0.30) and slice it up, the thinner the better. Add some salt and little bit of oil.


When potatoes ready, cut them in the half add some salad and enjoy. It is optional to peel potato skin off before serving. If you put tiny cube of butter on top of pieces of potato, it will melt and make the taste even better. (but not in my case)


Total of today’s meal: approx. £0.40

Day 5 – Lazy Day

Nothing is happening today, simply because yesterday I had a very late night and super early morning that means  – going to sleep at 4am and waking up at 7am. Was planning to make some meal for today, but so far I have had only one banana and a plenty of water. I know this is not the healthy way, but the only way I have today.

Happy news – i will have a nice meal when I get home 🙂


Day 4 – Second Meal

I do love the potatoes, I really do. This is what i did with them today.

Peeled them and sliced them up in the slim slices.SAM_0094

Chop up one or two onions.


Cook them until golden brown – I did burn them a tiny bit 😛


Add the potatoes and pinch of salt and cook until ready, as they are in the slim slices that should take around 20 minutes. And here is my end result.


Money spent for this meal approx. £0.35.

Day 4 – Breakfast

Good evening,
I woke up very late today, but with fresh ideas and feeling good.
Yesterday, after having my pancakes, later on I had a huge bowl with rice, that filled me up for a day. All night in work I was surrounded with the temptations as there is a Chinese restaurant in the same building where I work in and people order their food and eat nearby – it all smells so good 🙂 I was strong 😀 When I came back home I had bowl of my instant noodles with extra curry powder – yummy 🙂

After I woke up today I realised that I actually want some nice breakfast (previously I had to push myself to have something) so I went to the lock fruit market and shop.

My purchases for today – Porridge Oats 1kg £0.79, bag of onions – £0.50, and a massive bag of bananas.
I know that they are not the crispy fresh type, but I don’t mind. I eat them until skin turns dark brown. And I have few good ideas what is possible to do with them.

Back to my breakfast. Simple oat porridge with a pinch of salt and sugar added, if you add some milk it will taste much nicer, but it is fine without – that’s what I am having. For extra flavour I added a sliced banana.wpid-porrige_banana-2013-01-7-15-07.png

As I have a day/night off I will figure out how I will use rest of my bananas 🙂

Day 3 – One of my favourite meals

For those who are wondering if I only have one meal a day – NO. Yesterday for my second meal I had 2 bread buns with lots of seeds (Reduced section in ASDA – £0.05 for both of them) and chicken flavoured instant noodles. Not the best food in the world, but suits me in work.
For breakfast I just have hot cup of water, starts my metabolism working.

Before I will explain what did I have for food today, I have to tell tiny history.

Originally I come form Latvia and I have lived in UK for 3 years already. As the main reason why I am still here is my boyfriend who is British 🙂 So that is why my dishes and ways of cooking may seem different.

Today I was cooking potato pancakes. (2.5 kg of potatoes bought in local market for £1.00 not as I was planning, but better than paying the Tesco price).

First just peel potatoes and wash them.


Grate them on the medium grater.


Add some salt. If grated potatoes are turning grey and unappealing add some milk, but it will not change taste at all. You can add and egg for extra stickiness, but not necessary.


Prepare the pan – medium heat and oil. Take small handful of grated potatoes in your hand.


Squeeze all the juice out.


The less juice will prevent spitting? – only term my bf could come up with.


Put it in the pan and cook it until edges are golden brown then turn them upside down.


And then just munch them in 🙂


Total cost of today’s meal – potatoes £0.25 + tomato £0.10 = £0.35

Total money spent – £3.55

Day 2 – Shopping and food

It is second day and I still feel excited and determined to do this.

Yesterday for my second meal I had my instant noodles as there was nothing suitable for me in ASDA.
Today I woke up around 1PM, simply because I was at home only at 6AM and reached my bed only at 7AM, that is why my posts may be this late sometimes.
As the weather outside is lush i took a walk to the local market again and bought a bag of 6 big tomatoes for £0.50 – well happy 🙂

So today’s food consists of rice with a mild curry powder i purchased yesterday, 2 fish fingers and one sliced tomato. Money spent on this meal – approx. £0.30.


Day 1 – First meal

I wanted my first meal easy, because I am not fed up of similar type of food yet.
A handful of rice I cleaned in the cold water before boiling + I added salt – £0.05.
3 Fish fingers – £0.23.
1 beef stock cube that i used for a soup drink – £0.01.

+ water and gas that i do not count in.

My first meal today – £0.29

To be honest it was good and I really enjoyed it. Only thing that was missing is fresh veg – tomatoes, salad etc.

For my next meal I will have chicken flavour instant noodles if I don’t find anything on a reduced shelf in the ASDA.

P.S. I work nights, so it suits me to check out reduced products section.
